Amazingly, God wants us to know Him, intimately and personally! In many years of marriage and in counseling many other couples, I learned that the key to real oneness is close intimate communication. In fact, the #1 cause of divorce for women is the lack of an intimate, close relationship with their husbands!

I recently read a biography of Franklin Roosevelt. His wife said that while she admired him she never felt he knew her or confided in her. How true this is for so many husbands!

But God, when He wanted to reveal Himself to us comes as “The Word!” Listen! “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God”. John 1:1 God came in human form as the Son, so that we might see Him, touch Him and learn what God is like! The disciples were able to see His compassion, His wisdom, His power, up close and personal! And we are able to see exactly what God is like because of the Bible, His Word to us! Hebrews Chapter one says that Jesus is “the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature”. Hebrews 1:3

He guides us, He corrects us, He calls us His children, His friends, His bride. He tells us how to live life. He blesses us. He gives us the Holy Spirit as a deposit to give us assurance and He tells us He is going to take us to heaven with Him and be given a body just like His so we can know Him even as we are known and experience heaven to the full!

And of course, communication is always two way. He is always attuned to hear our prayers, no appointment is needed! He ever lives to make intercession for us! Communication? Oh yes! What’s not to like?

Pastor Terry