I used to fly a lot in my job. As the plane was taking off I would always quote part of a verse from Deuteronomy 33:27 “underneath are the everlasting arms” and I would feel secure! Another great Bible reference was in “Streams In The Desert” today, ” Like an eagle that stirs up it’s nest and hovers over it’s young, that spreads it’s wings to catch them and carries them on its pinions” Deut. 32:11.

These verses present great verses of comfort whether you have a fear of actual flying or whether you are reluctant to leave a place of safety and, at the Lord’s command, head off into thin air! Maybe it’s selling your house and moving, or a job change or even a new ministry. Most of us have a fear of change, of the unknown. It’s scary!

But the truth of the matter is that the verse in Deuteronomy 32 clearly depicts that the “stirring up of the nest” is necessary in order for the eaglets to get out of the nest and use their wings! But what if they fall? Oh wonderful truth! The Eagle that stirred up the nest and caused them to tumble out is the same one that will, if needed, swoop under them and catch them on her own wings!

Friends, God builds strong believers through adversity, through forcing us to get out of the nest and use our wings to fly! There is just no other way. So whatever challenge you’re facing today, a move, your job, a ministry, please know that while there will be moments of extreme discomfort, God will be right there to catch you so you don’t fall!

I hope you find that after all that anxiety you are flying instead. That’s His plan. But even if you fall, it will only be part way, unto His wings, and He will launch you again! Why? Because his care of us will extend all the way to heaven. He promises to never leave us or forsake us, ever! So enjoy the flight! It might be scary but when you look back you will know He did the right thing and you will take off with more confidence the NEXT time! NEXT time? Oh yes, I forgot to tell you. He launches us into new scary adventures more than once because He knows it’s how we get stronger! Hang on!!!

Pastor Terry