We live in a world where very often, people’s word does not count for very much. Because of that, guarantees are frequently made in writing, but again we find that the strength of the guarantee is only as good as the ability of the individual or the organization to stand behind it.

I spent many years as a credit manager in a large corporation and despite good intentions, many individual and corporate guarantees,proved to be worthless.

But try to imagine a situation where you have a piece of property for sale for $40,000 and a person comes along and wants to buy it. To secure the transaction you tell them you would like a deposit, some “earnest” money. A guarantee if you will that this person will actually come back to close and take possession of it. You ask them, “what can you give me for a deposit? ” the response,” One million dollars” ! WOW! That’s crazy!

Is it? But in order to give you assurance that’s exactly what God has done for you! Listen! ” When you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him, you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the GUARANTEE of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it”. Ephesians 1:13, 14. So God, who cannot lie, in order to give us assurance that He’s going to “close the deal” gives us a deposit or guarantee of infinite value, the Holy Spirit!

Friends, this is one guarantee you can rely on! When did you receive it? “When you believed”. Your inheritance is secure! You belong to Him! He will follow through, you can count on it! His stamp is on you! His Spirit lives in you!

Pastor Terry