As human beings we all experience discouraging, depressing times, as well as times of anxiety. I am currently going through radiation treatments for cancer and they have been hard. I was told by the hospital at the beginning that I was scheduled for 10 treatments, all consecutive, except for weekends. I breathed a huge sigh of relief at the conclusion of the 10th session on this past Wednesday. I was startled yesterday when the hospital called asking where I was! Apparently there had been a communication error and I was actually schuled for 15! We hustled back over to the hospital but I was was feeling discouraged and worn out. I was not looking forward to it.

As they were sliding me into the “tube” for my radiation the nurse (a Christian) asked me if I would like to hear some Christian music. “Yes!”, I responded. As I slid into the tube I began to hear the strains of “Amazing Grace”. It was what I needed! I started humning it! The Bible encourages us to “sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts”. Colossians 3:16.NLT Praise is powerful! It doesn’t change our circumstances but it changes our attitude! Suddenly I realized I had a smile on my face and a song in my heart!

Notice that the verse I quoted says to do it with thankful hearts! When we start praising God for the incredible blessings He has brought into our lives, the discouragement lifts! It’s not dishonest , it’s an act of faith. All of us experience trials and sometimes they are crushing when we think we can’t take any more. That’s exactly the time to cultivate songs of praise and to thank God for His blessings. So, the next time you are “down” try praise and singing! I love the words of a little hymn, “We’ll praise Him for all that is past, and trust Him for all that’s to come”. As we do that it will lead to increased joy on your part and honor to God. Try it dear friends!

Pastor Terry