In Matthew 14, the disciples of Jesus were in a boat on the Sea of Gallilee and they were having a hard time! The wind was strong and the waves were huge! If that was not enough, they suddenly see a lone figure walking past, apparently walking on the water! They were terrified! They thought it must be a ghost.

They cried out in fear! So would we! ” But immediately Jesus spoke to them and told them who it was and to not be afraid. Peter said, ” Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “come”. “So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus”. So far so good!

I just read a summary of several folks who returned from being on a short term mission trip for the first time. A common theme was that they had to “Get out of their comfort zone”. I have been on a few mission trips as well as other ministries God has led me into and I can relate! It’s hard to get out of our comfort zone! It’s not just the comforts of America…it’s the stretching of faith! Fear of the unknown!

Our pastor was just talking about the percentage of people at our church involved in ministry, both inside and outside the church. It doesn’t matter what it is…it all involves getting out of our comfort zone! We have ALL been called to serve in some manner…teaching a class, sharing the gospel, leading a. Bible study or helping in the toddlers room! How do I know? Because everyone in the body of Christ has been given a gift…1 Cor. 12:7. No gift is more important than another, but all are to be used!

I have often thought about Peter being a lot like many of us, because his faith faltered. Listen! ” But when he saw the wind he began to sink and cried out, ” Lord, save me.”! Jesus had to rebuke him for his lack of faith. But let me ask you, where were the other 11 disciples? They never left the boat! Peter faltered, but at least he got out of the boat! Most believers are more like the other disciples than they are like Peter! Peter experienced the loving care of The Lord. He learned that Jesus is in complete control and he was going to need that lesson. Many lessons are learned when we leave our comfort zones and get out of the boat so friends, get out of the boat! Earth is the only time you will have the opportunity to exercise your faith.

Pastor Terry