Do you recall those wonderful days when you were dating? You couldn’t spend enough time together! To hear their voice, to see their face ! It was your highest priority! Clearly, spending time with them drew you closer.

Every relationship depends on the investment of time to really be close and to grow. Conversely, when we stop spending time with someone, the relationship tends to decline. If you separate the logs in a fire, the fire will soon go out.

This is especially true in our relationship with The Lord Jesus. It may be surprising for you to realize that the God of the universe wants to spend time with you! After 54 years as a Christian I have come to realize that the single most important aspect of having a quality relationship with The Lord and growing is the time we spend alone with him! If I get lazy and don’t do it, the relationship becomes very weak and I become cold spiritually.

When you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior you became a member of God’s family, a child of God! (Galatians 3:26) you can now truly call God your Father! The way children really get to know their Father is to spend time with them.

For believers, very simply, this means spending time each day in His Word and in prayer.. While you can pray any time of the day, I have found this works best by setting aside a specific time and place that works for you.

I have found that a good modern study Bible like the Life Application Bible is very helpful for newer Christians. The LAB has very helpful notes. Start your reading in the NT, perhaps one of the gospels like Mark. Think about what you read. What does this mean? How does it apply to my life? What is the context? Read the notes for help.

I like to start with a short prayer to The Lord to help my understanding. Read a little each day and seek to apply what you learn. Read it slowly and think about it.

Now talk to God in prayer just like you would with an earthly parent. Don’t try to use fancy words, speak from your heart. A helpful outline is ACTS…Adoration…Confession…Thanksgiving….Supplication.

In other words, worship,from your heart for who God is, confessing your sins, giving thanks to God for all your blessings and then earnestly praying for the needs of others as well as your own needs. It’s just an outline but a good one.

Amazingly, The Lord is looking forward to His time with you! Friends this is a slow but sure pathway to growth. You can’t grow by just attending church once a week and listening to a sermon! Do you eat just once a week?

What is God’s ultimate goal for us? “For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son”. Romans 8:29. This is a gradual process (called sanctification) that takes place slowly as God, by the work of the Holy Spirit that dwells in us, gradually transforms us as our mind is renewed by His Word. Romans 12:1,2.

To enjoy this time alone with God, DO it! The more you do it, the more you will enjoy it!

Pastor Terry