“Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert.” Isaiah 35:6
I am sure most of you are familiar with the little devotional, “Streams in the Desert,” by L. B. Cowman. I have a well-used copy that has seen me through several years of grieving over loved ones now with the Lord. It is well marked, underlined and with numerous exclamation marks, having been read by my husband in his final illness. After his death, it was a constant reminder to me of his faith and I felt he was still speaking to me through the pages of that book. It brought great comfort and joy to my heart. My daughter lost her son last year and she has been comforted by the thoughts and scriptures that brought peace to her mother’s heart. This week I read an interesting story about Ronald Reagan, and I want to pass it on to you. It’s from my friend Yvonne McDonald.
Yvonne writes: When I was 7, I’m now 80, I had a grandmother who was in a TB Sanatorium. Ronald Reagan and his mother came there and gave everyone in the Sanatorium a “Streams in the Desert” devotional. The story was told through the years that Mrs. Reagan wanted her son to love God and serve others…. and the only way to do this was to be daily in the Word. When my grandmother turned 100, we asked her what she wanted. On a table beside her chair was a Streams in the Desert. She picked it up and said, “I’d like to talk with Ronnie.” Ronnie? “Yes, like the president! I wonder if he is still reading the devotional like his mother suggested?” I contacted the White House and told them the story. We did hear back in a phone call, that President Reagan confirmed the story and would love to talk with grandma on the telephone. Also, a local TV station heard about it and were interested. A date was set for the interview, but it was not to be. You see, grandma said…. “All that matters is to have God’s Word daily in your life…. know who He is and share His love with others.“ She just kept smiling. Grandma had accomplished her goal. She did hear from Ronnie. He told her he still had the Streams in the Desert devotional. My grandma smiled and said, “That’s proof, it has been worth it all. Praise the Lord!” She lived to be 100+ and welcomed the 5th generation. My grandma went “home” in the arms of Jesus. I called the White House and thanked them and guess what? A few days later, my uncle received a birthday card and note from President Ronald Reagan. This is just one story in the lives of many people this devotional has blessed.
I usually give this sweet comforting book to friends who have lost loved ones. They tell me how much it has blessed them as they walk through their grief journey. It is also a testimony to a mother and a grandmother’s heart to teach their children the love of God and to serve others for Jesus Christ. We are not here to serve ourselves, but the Lord and to share His love. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45.
Your friend, Jean