“But you have come to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God………to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant….” Hebrews 12:22,24

 The most incredible news that I have learned in my lifetime, and maybe the most surprising, is that God saves sinners by grace.  He justifies them and makes them His own children, bringing them into His family!  This news is so amazing that it seems it would be accepted automatically by everyone who hears it!  This is the greatest good news that has ever come into the world!  “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners!”  1 Timothy 1:15.  So why to people reject such a wonderful, free message?  Do they not see a need for it?  Some people think if they’re really good and keep the Ten Commandments, they can earn their way to heaven!

Last week, my sister and I were in a coffee shop in San Francisco.  As we were sipping our morning coffee, we overheard  two men having a discussion about “right” living.  One man sounded like he was a Christian, quoting the Law of Moses, and wanting to live in truth.  As I was leaving, I stopped by his chair and said, “I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation.  You seem to love the Jewish people and know about their laws.  Are you a Christian?”  The man gave me a blank stare and answered, “No, I am not a Christian.   I believe in ‘right’ living and ‘truth.’”  I said, “I’m a Christian and for me, the truth is in Jesus.  Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.’”   The man answered, “The trouble with you Christians is that you fight all the time.”  I had to agree with him, yes, we do disagree on many points of doctrine.  We are still sinners saved by grace!  My coffee shop friend didn’t think he was that bad of a sinner, he hadn’t yet come to “Mt. Sinai” to be aware of his sinfulness.  Before you can come to Mt. Zion (grace), you must first go to Mt. Sinai, repent and seek salvation.  Mt. Sinai was a demonstration of God’s holiness and His power.  No sinner or animal could touch the edge of the mountain and live.  There was thunder, lightning, thick clouds, loud trumpet sounds, fire, smoke and the earth shook!  Even Moses trembled!

There are two kinds of religions in the world:  the religion of Works (represented by Mt. Sinai) or salvation by Grace (represented by Mt. Zion).  The Law had a purpose; it was God’s great mirror.  In it we see we are lost, sinners, helpless!  It brings us to the end of ourselves to Mount Zion!  Zion symbolizes grace.  Sinai was unapproachable.  God invites you to Zion; Sinai confronts us with commandments, judgment and condemnation.  Zion presents us with forgiveness, atonement and salvation!!  Sinai reminds us of death, Zion speaks of life!  Sinai is Divine punishment, Zion is Divine love!  When the Law was given, 3000 died.  When Grace was preached, 3000 were saved.  Under the Law, sheep died for the shepherd.  Under Grace, the shepherd died for the sheep.

Next Sunday, is Palm Sunday, the traditional day when Jesus approached Jerusalem, or Mt. Zion.  It was on this mount, also known as Mt. Moriah that God told Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering.  But, God spared Isaac!  On that mount, years later, God offered up His only Son, the Lord Jesus as a sin offering to completely pay for your sins.  You can forever go free!  Mt. Zion, a place that overflows with grace!  Abraham looked for “the city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God,” Hebrews 11:10.  We look for a heavenly Jerusalem, with thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly.  They are celebrating, “to Jesus, the Mediator of a new covenant!” 

You are invited!  Make sure your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life!

Your friend Jean