“For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free – and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.”  1 Corinthians 12:13

There was trouble in Corinth!  For all their great gifts, they had envy, jealousy and division.  For all their knowledge, they lacked God’s wisdom and were fighting like children.  They didn’t appreciate the way God had equipped them and wanted different gifts instead, especially the showy ones!  Their attitudes masked deep problems of serious moral failure.  Like a ship wrecked upon the rocks, they were breaking up, tearing their church apart.  By their practice, they were denying their unity and their testimony to the Lord Jesus.  They were a church in trouble and close to ruin!

Last summer, I visited the ruins of Corinth and stood on the very place where Paul reasoned with the people.  I felt as if I were standing on holy ground!  To this very carnal church, Paul patiently rebukes their sin and lovingly explains the importance of unity within the church, as well as God-ordained diversity as a key factor in unity!  Only God could devise unity being dependent on diversity!

I have traveled to many countries and found the body of Christ is everywhere:  Africa, Indonesia, Israel, Jamaica, the Philippines, China, Honduras, England, Scotland, Italy, Canada and many other places!  The Body of Christ is a unit made up of different parts, but form one unit and we NEED each other.  The American church needs to care for the needs of the churches of the third world, people with very little, but rich in faith.  We need to love them and hear their stories of God’s care, protection and provision.  We in America have so much, not only monetarily, but also in Bible knowledge that we can share.  Many in the third world don’t have Bibles, and if they did, they don’t have eye glasses to read them!  In some cases, they can’t read at all!  They need us to encourage and disciple them, but we need them more!  The closest tie between human hearts is the love of Jesus!   There is nothing quite like that instant attraction, hugging a complete stranger and realize you are sisters in Christ!

When you accepted Christ as your personal Savior, you became part of God’s universal Church, baptized into One Body!  This is not an artificial joining together of people and nations like the United Nations with its’ false unity where the Name of Jesus Christ is banned!  Nor is it a government institution where the Prince of Peace has been thrown out!  No, it is a work that God does, Jews or gentiles, slaves or free.  Only through Christ can people be made one!  Jesus transcends nationalities and prejudices! One Body, One Holy Spirit!  The Holy Spirit, living within you is the evidence you belong to Christ!  The Body is made up of many parts.  We can’t all be a foot, an ear, a tongue or a hand!  The Corinthians desired the showy gifts of tongues and healing.  Paul’s point was for all the members to function by God’s plan!  The place where God had put them!  All were needed to work together as a well-oiled machine!  Each person had a gift that was given as God willed for the common good!  “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.  There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.  There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.”  1 Cor. 12:4-6.  God gifts each of His people uniquely for His purposes. He calls ordinary people and places us where we can bring Him glory.

Have you found your place yet?

Your friend, Jean (taken from a sermon by Pastor Terry)