“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow Me.  I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.”   John 10:27

 Let’s talk about shepherds!  There is the Good Shepherd in John 10, the Chief Shepherd in 1 Peter 5:4, and the Great Shepherd in Hebrews 13:20.  I am pleased to say that He is MY shepherd!  Is Jesus YOUR shepherd?  Here in John 10, He is the Good Shepherd and we’ll see why.

In the eastern world of Jesus’ day, a sheep pen was a wall of rocks with an opening called a “gate.”  Once the sheep were in the sheep fold for the night, the shepherd would lay his body across the opening.  No one could get in without going through the shepherd first.  He was their protector!  He had total responsibility, he was the Door.  Anyone trying to get in by climbing over the wall had a plan to steal sheep!  He was a thief or robber!  Jesus uses the sheep fold as an analogy for Israel.  The leaders of Israel didn’t understand, they refused to come through the Shepherd, so they became enemies of the sheep.

How do we distinguish false shepherds from real shepherds?  With false shepherds, the sheep are there for the shepherds use, for power, prestige and money.  Real shepherds are there for the sheep, laying down their lives to serve them, to protect, guide, teach, heal, minister, resolve disputes and to correct.  They are promised the “crown of glory” by the Lord in 1 Peter 5:4 because if done faithfully, there will be no glory in it.  Under the Law, the sheep died for the shepherd, but under grace, the shepherd died for the sheep!

“The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to His voice.  He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out.  When He has brought out all His own, He goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow Him because they know His voice,” John 10:3-5. Sheep don’t take care of themselves!  They require constant care.  Like us, they are dumb, defenseless and directionless, but Christ loves us, He chose us, he bought us, calls us by name and makes us His own!

“As the Good Shepherd, He is the owner who delights in His flock.  For Him there is no greater reward, no deeper satisfaction than seeing His sheep contented, well-fed, safe and flourishing under His care.  This is indeed His ‘very life.’  He gives all He has to it.  He literally lays down His very life.”  Philip Keller.

 The Shepherd does not drive the sheep, He calls them by name and leads then.  He goes in front of them because He knows the dangers ahead.  He knows about ruthless enemies, dirty water and pests that drive them to distraction.

“Sheep quickly become accustomed to their owner’s voice, with its unique tone.  They know its’ sounds and inflections.  They can distinguish it from any other person.  A visitor can use the very same words and phrases, but the sheep will not respond.”  Philip Keller. 

 “Truly, truly…I AM the door of the sheep….if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved,” John 10:9.  The I AM is speaking!  Here is the way of salvation, the way to heaven!  You must come through the door and Jesus is the door.  The door is the Person of Jesus Christ, not religion, not good deeds, not baptism, not church membership.  He (Jesus) is the Way, the Truth and the Life!  Will you come to Him today?

Your friend, Jean  (taken from a sermon by Pastor Terry)