“You know how we lived among you for your sake.  You became imitators of us and of the Lord; in spite of severe suffering, you welcomed the message with joy.” 1 Thess. 1:6.

 The early church lived as examples of the gospel!  The word for imitators is the same as “mimic.”  Paul, Silas and Timothy were true men!  The power and truth of their lives validated the power and truth of their words.  The contrast of these men with the pagans all around them was incredible!  They were “salt and light.”

You can’t lift anyone higher than you!  Your children, your relatives and friends, you will never lift them higher than your walk with Christ.  The phrase:  “Your life speaks so loud, I can’t hear what you’re saying” was evident to these early Christians.  The result was that in “Spite of severe suffering, they welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit,” 1 Thessalonians 1:6  The message was so powerful, the Word of God, the Holy Spirit , their holy lives…that despite opposition, persecution and severe suffering, they were full of joy!  REAL!  They believed the message of the gospel!  They knew it was the truth and it transformed them!  They were people full of joy!  Is that what people see when they look at us?

Fred was a security guard at an abortion clinic.  His face was scarred from numerous fist-fights, he was an alcoholic and used terrible language.  Pastor John came to picket the clinic with his little group of volunteers from his church.  Fred was angry and used his language on them.  Pastor John spoke kindly and said, “I want to be your friend.  I won’t turn my back on you.  My mother and my daughters are in this line and I would not use your language in front of your mother.  Please be careful!”

The children heard Fred had no family.  “We need to get him a warm coat, he must be cold.  Some hot chocolate and donuts would be nice and a wool sweater.”  Fred was so overcome with their kindness, through tears, he thanked and thanked them.

One night during the prayer meeting, there was a knock on the door.  “Pastor, it’s Fred the security guard for you.  He’s been drinking.”  They took him to an all-night diner, prayed and talked to him for 4 hours, lovingly sharing the gospel.  Fred bowed his head and asked Jesus Christ to be his Savior.

The elders helped Fred get a new job, paid off some debts and got him help for his alcohol problems.  But, his old boss started coming around with liquor and got him back on the wrong track.  The church didn’t give up.  They continued to meet with him and lovingly helped him back to God.  They were “Jesus with skin” to Fred.  The local church may look vulnerable, but it is united with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  The powers of darkness see it as a “called out company,” potentially dangerous and capable of turning their world upside down!   “We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ,” 1 Thess. 1:3.

 One of the great paradoxes of the Christian life:  At times, severe suffering and joy go together!  Hugh Latimer, 1555, as he and Master Ridley were being burned at the stake in England, shouted out, “Be of good comfort Master Ridley and play the man.  We shall this day light such a candle, by God’s grace in England, as I trust shall never be put out.” What a testimony!  “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away,” Matthew 24:35.

Your friend, Jean  (taken from a sermon by Pastor Terry)